
Calm down. don’t frown,

or else you will drown,

Be on your toes,

I promise, you’re close,

I know it all feels crazy,

when everyone has something to say

and quitting seems like the easiest way,

In all this, don’t you dare to doubt,

Smile, breathe in breathe out,

Its hard, I know I admit,

In most places, you don’t fit,

Converse- complement- show interest,

Spend time alone – you must,

Its okay if your words don’t rhyme,

not every hour is supposed to be a prime,

Just take one day at a time.

Residing in hell.

Have you ever felt that the life itself feels like a punishment? Daily chores become a burden for you? All you want is a PERMANENT ESCAPE from your daily grind. Like you are in such a toxic environment where you can’t avoid it?

Where you wish that you had a magic lamp or wand and can once in all change the environment and get rid of this nasty aura and these selfish people.

Let me quote a life incident of my own.There was a time in my life when i just gave up.The famous school which i was attending was totally opposite of what i dreamed of. The friends i had were all not my type of people but still i couldn’t distance myself from them. I was always late in classes. bunking some, sleeping in some or scrolling Instagram in some.My scores were falling.Teachers were unhappy, calling me after class,asking me what’s wrong with me? not doing my assignments, not returning library books on time.

Furthermore coming home after school, locking myself in room, after lunch and tea i would listen to some sad piano on YouTube until i fall asleep in the same room. and after dinner i would sleep again. Mostly i was using sleep as a source of avoidance.

Soon i realized that my whole life is falling apart. and that is where i analyzed situation critically and did something i am still thankful to myself.

I started getting up early, doing workout, making my own breakfast, enjoying my meal with some light tv-series and then properly dressed to school with some new hairstyles. I started writing lectures. left the shitty company of people who were no longer serving me, i started using class breaks more effectively, doing all my assignments and home work. Started asking questions, coming home, i started having lunch and dinner on dining table. Stopped caffeine intake. Started making hobbies for myself like learning guitar and graphic designing. Searched for events in my city, attended them with mom.and then journalling effectively and sleeping on time.

OUT COME: My health started improving. I was no longer drowsy in classes. My focus and attention span got increased. I got a part time job as a content writer through LinkedIn.My grades started improving.Brighter students started to approach me in school for helping them in their assignments.My friends circle expanded.I became more happy than i was pretending on my Instagram feed.

HOW? Now the major question arises what happened that suddenly changed my actions and hence the outcome. it was all A SINGLE THOUGHT i realized that this is a life that has been given to me. I have made some mistakes and now there is this whole debris of regrets on my shoulders.There was NO light at the end of this tunnel at that moment. No option to exit. I had to spend 2 years of my life no matter how much i cry or try, but now the choice was in my hands, whether i could spend those two years of my life sitting there, wailing on the couch, doing absolutely nothing OR i could take charge of my happiness because even though i couldn’t change my school but i was able to make small changes in my lifestyle and that lead to a happy time.

See, sometimes the hell we are in is unavoidable. We have to live there no matter what. Now you have to find some light in this darkness. Do something. One step at a time and i promise you the fires of hell will stop burning you.